Joseph Tatum is blogging and listening to:
A Quick Winter Transmission

Hello from the ether that is the internet,
Oof, it's been a minute hasn't it? If I don't update the blog for a while it starts feeling like an insurmountable task that I continue to put off and thus it feels even bigger later. It's been....nearly 5 months now? Yikes. In a similar vein to my end of year post from 2020, I'm going to just jot down some important events from the last few months:
We moved into our new house. It's great. We love it. Just this last weekend I finally got all of the artwork up so it feels like it's finally version 1 and we can start thinking about more significant changes a'la redoing the kitchen.
Before the omicron life I got to go up to Vancouver BC for a few days to explore a bit / visit some friends who were living there. Vancouver is beautiful and I see why folks like it there.
Charlie got a promotion at work. I'm proud.
We went to Virginia and to North Carolina to see both families during Thanksgiving weekend. It was the first time Charlie had spent any significant time with my family and it went well.
Christmas came and went. We made eggrolls Christimas Eve which is now a tradition since we did it in 2020 as well. No gifts were exchanged between the two of us.
We went up to Orcas Island the first weekend of the new year to see some of our friends get married. We went to an incredible bakery and went on a nice hike. It was on that hike that Charlie asked me to marry him and I said yes after taking about 30 seconds to recover from shock.
So yeah, we're engaged.
We're gonna do a wedding thing in the fall. Nothing fancy as I hate fancy weddings and we both agree we'd rather save our money for an incredible trip down the line (maybe Japan). So... yeah. I'll leave the wedding talk at that. 😬
I'm actually flying out next week to go see my friend Joe in Philadelphia. Long story short, I was supposed to be going to a concert in New York but it was postponed and I had already booked the trip. Bummer. But it'll be fun to see Joe for a few days.
I'll leave you all with a photo of my "engagement ring." It's made completely of sugar. Charlie bought it off of Etsy in a six pack. I love sugar so it's cute. It's slowly dissolving in my dresser drawer now.

Stay warm and safe. Maybe now that I've put something out there it'll be easier to update sooner?
ps: I often do a playlist of my favorite songs from the year. I did that for 2021 as well. Check it out on Spotify or Apple Music.