Joseph illustration

Joseph Tatum is blogging and listening to:

    Turning 29

    The Birthday Cake
    The Birthday Cake

    I turned 29 a few weeks ago. Wild. I'm closing in on 30. THIRTY. THIRTY YEARS OLD. Honestly, I'm super pumped cause everyone that I know in their thirities is awesome and speaks glowingly of their experience of thirty-times.

    My brithday was a chill day this year (obviously). Charlie and I got coffee and walked around Hawthorne. I bought a shirt in a trendy store and we bought ourselves a little house plant for our kitchen table before getting dumplings for dinner. It was nice. It was one of the more eventful days of the past few months. I also made myself an (incredible) birthday cake and had some friends over in the courtyard to share it with me. Here's the recipe. It'll change your life.

    Another Walk Around the Neighborhood
    Another Walk Around the Neighborhood
    Target Visit
    Target Visit

    An exciting event happened this last week in that I found out that my favorite bakery in Oregon was opening a Portland location. It's called Sparrow Bakery and they've been in Bend for about 14 years. Their ocean roll is essentially the best cardamom roll I've had outside of Sweden and whenever I'm in Bend I make sure to stop to get one. Twice. However as of Saturday I can get one in Portland. Hail Satan! My friend Cody joined Charlie and I on the opening day.

    Box of Treats
    Box of Treats
    Sparrow Bakery with Cody
    Sparrow Bakery with Cody

    This past weekend Charlie and I also went and floated the Clackamas River with some other friends. The river is hella cold and I refused to pee in the water cause I was scared a weird shrimp fish would swim up my dick like in the amazon. It was a great time though! Here's a pic of us on our floating device (note Charlie's out and proud crop top)...

    Floating the Clackamas River
    Floating the Clackamas River

    Other than that life is quiet. Like everyone else at the moment. My job is going well and we've mostly settled in to life together at our new place. Here's a few more photos from the last several weeks including Charlie's first Portland bike ride and a cute neighborhood cat that comes around our place every now and again.

    PS. If you'd like to get email alerts, use the "Get Email Alerts" link in the sidebar / nav. Eventually I'm gonna stop posting about this blog on social media so don't rely on me posting there.


    Charlie's First Bike Ride in Portland
    Charlie's First Bike Ride in Portland
    The (Mostly) Finished Apartment
    The (Mostly) Finished Apartment
    Hurray for Gay!
    Hurray for Gay!
    The Courtyard Tree
    The Courtyard Tree
    Percy the Neighborhood Cat
    Percy the Neighborhood Cat